March 11, 2024

Introducing the StableBuild Free community tier

Introducing the StableBuild Free community tier

We're very excited to add a new Community tier to StableBuild. The Community tier gives completely free access to all of StableBuild’s mirrors, caches and repositories - so any developer can create reliable and deterministic builds - with 15GB/month of traffic, and 1GB of file storage included.

To get started using the community tier, head to to sign up, and select the “Community” plan:

Community tier in StableBuild

Afterwards you’ll have immediate access to all StableBuild features to help pin Docker containers, OS-level packages, Python packages, and arbitrary files.

There’s a hard user (1 user), traffic (15GB/month) and storage (1GB) limit implemented on the Community tier - but you can upgrade to a paid plan in a few clicks to give unlimited access to StableBuild to your complete team.

Want to read more? Head to to read why you need StableBuild, and how you can easily create reproducible builds from your existing Docker containers.
